Community assets that are available to everyone are the building blocks of a fair, thriving, and resilient region. Our Assets for Thriving Community grants support the infrastructure & initiatives our neighbors need.

We envision a region where citizens from Kalkaska to Leelanau are able to access what they need to be healthy, engaged, and connected to nature. We are here to help you build Community Assets.


What We Fund

We support initiatives that develop, strengthen or build community assets that are available to all, or make an existing asset more widely available. This category is intended for projects that have done significant groundwork prior to application to engage the community, establish working relationships with stakeholders, and execute research to inform strategy. Learn more about our previously awarded grants.

Potential Grant Uses

We believe that citizen voice is essential in determining what’s best for our communities. We prioritize assets that have been identified by residents as important to improve the quality of life in their community. We recommend applicants demonstrate a robust community engagement strategy and decision-making process. Some potential grant uses include, but are not limited to:

  • Multi-modal transportation

  • Affordable housing

  • Accessible recreation

  • Arts & culture

  • Energy (efficiency, conservation, renewable)

  • Child welfare

  • Land preservation

  • Health and wellbeing

  • Education

  • Adapting a program or service to Covid-19

Our Grant Criteria

We evaluate every grant application using our Guiding Principles as a lens.  


Additional information, including detail on how we score applications, is available in our grant guidance document.

Are You Ready For This Grant?

This grant is available to initiatives that have done significant groundwork together before applying. Successful applicants:

  • Share evidence showing the need for the project in this community. 
  • Have a plan to make the asset widely available to the public; or, plan to expand an existing asset so it is more widely available.
  • Consulted with project beneficiaries, who have shaped their approach.
  • Have a match (secured or pending) for at least 50% of the total project cost, or are able to demonstrate a plan for the funding required.
  • Secured written MOUs or partnership agreements, if funds will be shared among partners. 
  • Secured governmental approval (zoning, permitting, etc.) if needed. 
  • Had a pre-grant meeting with our staff.


Getting Ready

We have additional resources to support the convening, engaging, learning, and planning activities that will prepare your initiative for a strong application.

  • Seed Grants fund preparatory work.

  • We offer learning experiences for changemakers to build the skills to work better together and build community assets that are responsive to community needs. We make an effort to keep these fresh, and there is always something new to learn - check out our Learning Experiences to see what’s coming up.

Get Started

Begin by emailing Kendra to schedule a pre-grant meeting. Before you meet with our staff, please review the Grant Seeker's FAQ.

Prepare for your application by reading through the application questions and watching the grant application training video.

When you're ready, apply online. If you have any trouble with the online application, consult the troubleshooting guide, or contact us.