We support initiatives that target the root causes of complex problems. Our Systems Change Accelerator grants invest in collaborative problem solving that is different than business as usual, shifting resources, structures and mindsets for lasting change.

We are here to help you learn about and catalyze Systems Change.


What We Fund

We support innovations that target root causes of complex community problems leading to a more fair, thriving and resilient region. These grants support systems change strategies that restructure how things work and aim to change policies, practices, resource flows, relationships, power and mental models so that fewer and fewer people or environments ever experience a problem. We do not limit funding to specific issue areas and will consider initiatives that will lead to a more fair, thriving, and resilient region for all. Learn more about our previously awarded grants.

Powerful strategies will involve a constellation of actions: multiple, complementary actions carried out by stakeholders throughout the system. They will create greater equity in a system by considering who experiences the problem most severely and designing actions that intentionally target the roots of those inequities. Our strategy is informed by FSG's Systems Change conditions and MSU's ABLe Change Framework.

Potential Grant Uses

The actions that will change a system are unique to the particular context of that system. Some actions that have been funded in previous years include: 

  • Convening of cross-sector networks that are working together to share information and best practices, align work more effectively, experiment with new innovations, and learn 

  • Advocacy work to increase public or legislative support

  • Communication work to change public narratives about a problem or solution 

  • Stipends to compensate stakeholders experiencing a problem to participate in creating solutions  

  • Creating new standards for data collection, sharing and use between organizations 

Our Grant Criteria

We evaluate every grant application using our Guiding Principles as a lens.  


Additional information, including detail on how we score applications, is available in our grant guidance document.


Learning: A Shared Commitment

The systems change approach to social change is relatively new. Not many funders and changemakers are organizing their work in this way. We have a lot to learn in this area and we are committed to learning alongside our grantees. We ask that applicants demonstrate a commitment to learning by designating a Learning Steward from your team and budgeting for their time (grant funds and/or match may be used for this person’s time). You are encouraged to designate a Learning Steward from an organization that is not the primary fiscal agent for this proposal.


Your Learning Steward will:
  • Join the Systems Change Community of Practice with other grantees, which meets quarterly (other team members are welcome as well, but not required). The Community of Practice is a facilitated group focused on learning and co-designed around the needs of the cohort.  

  • Work with Rotary Charities staff and consultants to create processes custom to your team that will help you collect information and stories that will document your team’s unique learning journey, and help us all notice early signals of a changing system together.  

  • Capture and share your team’s unique learning journey. 


We will:
  • Provide facilitation for the Community of Practice that will create a brave space to share and explore successes and challenges. 

  • Work with Learning Stewards to articulate processes that will help document each team’s learning. 

  • Amplify each team’s story (with permission) through our communications channels. We hope to help inspire others, build the body of knowledge around this type of work, and attract more resources.

Are You Ready For This Grant?

Systems Change is driven by intentional, inclusive problem solving processes that are different from business as usual. This grant is available to initiatives that have done significant groundwork together before applying:

  • Built a team of diverse stakeholders that have worked together to see the complex problem from many angles and perspectives

  • Able to describe the current status of the problem, how many are experiencing it or are affected by it, the "status quo" approach to the problem, and why the timing is right for change

  • Identified and prioritized leverage points for change

  • Designed a constellation of actions that will impact those leverage points to change the system that is creating the problem

  • Established partnership agreements with organizations that will implement your constellation of actions, leveraging each party’s unique assets 

  • Created structures to stay connected with others working in the targeted system who are not directly involved in the current initiative

Getting Ready

We support the convening, engaging, investigating, and planning activities that will prepare you for a Systems Change Accelerator initiative.

  • Seed Grants provide funding to support your preparatory work.

  • Use and build on the toolkit for systems change.

  • While developing an understanding of the targeted system and identifying leverage points for change with partners is required for applicants - your process is your choice. We partner with +Acumen and The Omidyar Group to offer the Systems Practice Course, now available as you are ready to enter into this work with your stakeholder group, with the support of a local consultant. Applying Systems Thinking and Common Archetypes is another course available online that could support your preparatory work. Neither course is a pre-requisite for this grant.

  • We offer learning experiences throughout the year to bring changemakers together for shared learning and relationship building around systems change work. Take a look at our Learning Experiences.

Grant Application and Review Process

Application Process

Are you ready to apply for a Systems Change Accelerator Grant? 

First, we recommend that you review the Guidance for Grantseekers FAQ for information on eligibility, requirements, and the application process.

Before you begin a grant application, it is essential to discuss your initiative with our team. Schedule a meeting with Freya. This conversation will help align your proposal with our funding priorities and clarify any questions you may have.

Following your pre-grant meeting, our staff will provide you with a link to submit your application electronically. You can prepare for your application by reading through the application questions. Applications for Systems Change Accelerator grants are due twice a year, in March and September.

If you encounter any issues while completing your online application, refer to our troubleshooting guide, or reach out to Kendra directly for assistance.


Systems Change Accelerator Grant Review Process

After a Systems Change Accelerator grant application is submitted, it is first reviewed by two members of the Rotary Charities staff and scored based on the criteria in Appendix 1 of the Grant Guidance Document. After staff review, the full application and a summary of the staff review are reviewed by two members of the Rotary Charities board of trustees and two volunteer reviewers from regional Rotary Clubs.

After the reviews are completed, a list of questions (if any) will be compiled and the applicant can respond in writing or at the review meeting. A review meeting with the review team and the applicant will occur via Zoom. After the Zoom meeting, the review team will debrief and decide on a recommendation to be considered by the board. The Rotary Charities board of trustees will make funding decisions at their June (Spring applications) or December (Fall applications)  meeting.

Applicants are typically notified of the outcome of their applications soon after the board meeting.

If you have any questions regarding the grant review process, please contact us directly. We're here to support you through the application process and beyond!