Reflections from Here: A Letter from Becky

As I look over the past year with all its disruptions and lessons, I unearth the things we all share: that we are capable of learning, surviving, working toward the common good.
We came together from diverse perspectives to care for one another, work together, and find new ways of addressing the challenges our communities face.
Driven by the desire to do the best with what we have, we are guided by our core values and the principles of trust-based philanthropy. As funders, we have challenged ourselves to address inequities and unintended consequences that may result from the way we fund by building relationships with grantees and partners, soliciting and acting on their feedback, and offering support beyond cutting a check.
These strong relationships have opened channels of honest communication, allowing us to support grantees through complex challenges. Much of that support is wrapped up in not having all the answers but our willingness to listen.
As one of my favorite thought leaders, Mark Nepo, says, “To listen is to lean in softly with a willingness to be changed by what we hear.”
I am personally grateful for the dedicated, competent, and caring people I have come to know over the past 14 years through this work.
It has been the opportunity of a lifetime, and my heart is full of hope for the future.
Becky Ewing, Executive Director
retired June 2021